
Luke, Volumes 1 & 2 is unavailable, but you can change that!

Written after Jesus’ earthly ministry had come to an end, when word of his teachings and actions had spread to those who had never seen him firsthand, Luke is “the Gospel of Knowing for Sure.” Luke tells us that he wanted to provide an orderly account of the life of Jesus that would help people be more certain of the good news of his death and resurrection. The purpose of this commentary is to...

The thing to do when Jesus is coming is to get ready. This is why the Gospel of Luke starts with John the Baptist. His calling was to get people ready for Jesus. He told them to repent and return to God. He restored relationships, turning the hearts of fathers back to their children. Getting ready for Jesus takes a change of heart, in which our lives are turned around for God. There is a vertical dimension to this: first we have to get right with God. But there is also a horizontal
Volume 1, Page 24